Keeping kids safe in the online world

Keeping kids safe in the online world

The internet has become an integral part of not just our lives but that of our children as well. It is a wonderful tool to gain knowledge and get creative. Though increased online presence may be the need of the hour, lurking under all that information, are many dangers that your child could be exposed to. 

An increasing number of children have become tech-savvy and use the medium to gather information, and for socializing and recreation. However, majority of them are oblivious to the hidden dangers of the internet and may easily fall prey to cybercrime. 

Children and youth are a vulnerable target for cyber criminals. Besides being exposed to malware, phishing, online scams, inappropriate content, including pornography, innocent children are also threatened by online predators who indulge in cyber bullying and identity theft. 

Teenagers are quite active on social media. They may post personal information on online platforms or may be lured to reveal their personal details and credit card information, leading to siphoning off money from accounts. As children are generally unaware of the repercussions of inadequately protecting their identity online, the onus lies on parents to ensure that they do not face a difficult situation.

The most effective way of ensuring that your children remain safe in the digital world, is to have an open discussion with them about online dangers and how to avoid them. Educate them about cyber security and safe online habits. Apprise them of the dangers of giving out sensitive personal information online. Teach your children to be wary of online offers that promise too much.

Install security software and apps on devices to monitor your child’s online activities and ensure that they stay safe from online threats. Check your child’s browser history frequently. Parental Controls could be used to monitor content across several platforms, manage screen time, and filter inappropriate websites. 

As a part of safe online habits, kids must be taught to avoid clicking on emails or texts from unknown sources and avoid suspicious web sites. It is also important to monitor your child’s gaming habits and educate them about online game purchases. Be aware of the signs and effects of cyberbullying and advise your kids on how to deal with cyber bullies. Encourage your kids to come to you if they encounter a problem. 

Increased awareness, open communication and being actively involved in your child’s digital and day to day life would ensure that your children experience the joys and opportunities of the online world, and avoid its hazards. 

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