9 Ways to Ensure Your Credit Card Online Transactions Are Safe

9 Ways to Ensure Your Credit Card Online Transactions Are Safe

When we use our credit cards online, there is a lot of sensitive information out  there, which can make us 

an easy target of cyber crimes and identity thefts. None  of us wants our accounts hacked, identities stolen 

or our emails spammed, but we  unknowingly expose ourselves to the risk because we simply don’t know 

what we should or should not be concerned about.  

In this small guide, we’ll go through 9 essential security measures you should  take to avoid spammers and identity thieves from misusing your credit card.  

1. Use your credit card only on websites you trust 

credit cards online

When you shop with your credit card online, ensure that your connection to  the website is secure. The website address should start with https:// instead of  http://. This is an indication that the transaction is encrypted and safe.  Don’t visit the website by clicking on email links because these links are  redirected to websites that are set up for fraud. Always type the URL of the  website in the internet browser to visit the real website. Remember to read  reviews of the app or website before you make a purchase using your credit  card.  

2. Avoid shopping on public Wi-Fi 

Avoid shopping on public Wi-Fi

Cyber criminals scavenge for information on public Wi-Fi networks. They  latch onto the same Wi-Fi signal and intercept information while it’s being  transmitted, thus gaining access to your confidential credit card information  and other sensitive data such as account passwords, banking credentials, etc.  

3. Don’t store your credit card number online 

You may be tempted to save your credit card information for a customised  shopping experience on your favourite websites, but this can put you at a  higher risk of identity theft. It’s safe to fill in the credit card details every  time you make a purchase, no matter how cumbersome the whole process is. 

4. Protect your computer with an antivirus software/security Software Make sure your computer and other mobile devices are loaded with the most  recent and reputable antivirus and anti-spyware software that protects you  from hackers and identity thieves.

Protect your computer with an antivirus software/security Software

 5. Keep a tab on the security settings of your computer/mobile device Check the security settings of your computer and mobile device from time to  time. There have been cases where hackers have taken advantage of the lag  in the security system of the browser and the operating system to steal  sensitive information.  

6. Keep your PIN and password safe 

A PIN is an added layer of security to keep your transactions safe. Ensure  that your PIN is not too obvious and easy to guess. Changing your PIN after  every 6 months is a good way to make your credit card less susceptible to  fraud.  

Just like PINs, your passwords for online banking profiles should be unique  and complex. Keep a long password, containing both upper and lower case  letters, and a mix of numbers and symbols. Keeping a memorable phrase or  sentence as a password is a good idea as it creates complexity. Add numbers  

and symbols in a phrase/sentence password whenever possible. For example,  the word “to” can be replaced with the number “2”, and the word “and” can  be replaced with “&.” As far as possible, avoid writing your PIN and  passwords down anywhere.  

7. Intimate your bank immediately in case you lose your credit card 

lose your credit card

If you lose or misplace your credit card, or notice an unauthorised  transaction, contact your bank immediately via an ATM, at a branch, over the  phone or online banking. The bank will place a block on your card, which  will prevent fraudulent activities.  

8. Take a print or save your online credit card receipts 

When you use your credit card online, don’t forget to print a copy of your  receipt. You can then compare the amount on your receipts to the amount on  your billing statement to make sure the total is a match. 

9. Do not share your OTP/PIN with anyone 

NEVER give out your PIN or your OTP to anyone –even to a person  claiming to be a bank representative. Keep it personal and guard them well.  

 Do not share your OTP/PIN with anyone

The whole idea of identity theft is scary, but don’t be discouraged. Although you  cannot completely rule out the possibility of you being a victim of identity theft,  you can definitely reduce the likelihood of such occurrences. All it takes is a little  awareness and willingness to take the necessary precautions.  

Credit cards are excellent tools to make online purchases. These tips can help you safely go through your credit card online transactions. For more details and updates about Credit Card, Credit score or what factors impact the wellbeing of your credit score, you can get in touch with the professionals of Credit Triangle. With different credit score improvement plans and best techniques to improve your credit health, they will make sure to offer you the best advice for the same. 

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