How long does it take to improve your CIBIL score

CIBIL score

Improving your CIBIL score is a gradual process that requires patience and discipline.

According to Credit Triangle, it takes around 4-12 months to improve your CIBIL score and bring it up to the lender’s expectations.

However, the time it takes to improve your score can vary depending on the severity of your credit history and the steps you take to improve it.

Some tips to improve your CIBIL score quickly include paying your bills on time, reducing your credit utilization, disputing errors on your credit report, keeping old credit cards, customizing your credit limit, choosing a longer tenor for repayment, and avoiding taking on too much debt at one time.

Remember that building and maintaining good credit is a lifelong endeavor, and it’s important to stay committed to your financial goals.

Contact us and we will help you improve your credit score, call us for an assessment today.

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